Stupid, only has two puzzles. Dont waste time
Stupid, only has two puzzles. Dont waste time
Dont waste your time.
This game is so boring!
Hard& easy
Only has one puzzle so dumb and easy
They use the exact same words in every single game.not challenging.boring
There arent enough puzzles, and the two that they do have are incredibly simple.
Same words over and over. Too many repeated patterns too.
This is ridiculous. One puzzle forreal? Deleted it immediately. Dont bother!
Only has 2 puzzles.....
Really? 1 puzzle? Lame
Only has 3 puzzles.
This is a stupid app dont wase ur time on it
Dont waste your time!very bad game you have only two puzzles
Theres only about 15 words tops. Custom settings are messed up.
This is grate!!!!!!!!!!
Game uses same puzzles . Dont waste time . Words to easy to find !
Do not waste ur time, im doing you a favor. There are probably 10words tht they keepvrepeting. It gets pretty boring after 2minutes.
Found all words.. Now asks to upgrade !! Deleteee